we were in a relationship with you. In fact, if we’re about game
and our game goes right, we never make it to the kids; we
figure we’re going to have dinner a couple of times, maybe
catch a movie or go bowling, and be in a room with a bed frame
and a mattress in it in a matter of days if our game is proper, or
a few weeks if you’re playing hard to get. Kids? Please. Some
men don’t care any which way about your kids. The guy you’re
trying to hook up with won’t be any more interested in your
life as a mother than what color toenail polish you’ll ask for at
your next pedicure appointment. In fact, if a guy is in it for one
thing—if he’s a game runner looking for nothing more than
your cookie—then the plan is to never meet the kids. And once
he gets what he was looking for, oh, you can believe he’ll be
plotting how to move on.
What’s most likely to happen is you’ll follow the time-
honored single mom tradition of dating a guy, all the while
keeping him as far away from your home life as possible—partly
because you want to get clarity on the relationship and the di-
rection in which it’s moving, partly because you don’t want to
introduce your kids to any man unless you’re absolutely, 100
percent sure that he’s in it for the long haul. Once you’ve con-
vinced yourself there’s long-term potential with the guy in
question, then you invite him home to meet the kids.
Stop right there.
I’m here to tell you that you’re going about this all the way
wrong. You can’t become emotionally attached to this man and