to determine what kind of mother you are, and whether he’d
like to have you be the mother of his children. This is hugely
important, ladies, because we men recognize that some women
aren’t cut out to be mothers—that there’s no automatic mother-
ing gene that kicks in for women just because she has the equip-
ment to carry and birth babies. Just as some women can’t drive,
just as some women can’t do math, just as some women can’t
cook, some women aren’t good at mothering. And a guy wants
to see that the potential mother of his children is at least decent
at it, that she can be kind, compassionate, creative, and stern.
He wants to see that you can handle matters without unravel-
ing—that the stress that comes with marriage and family is
something you can handle with decent skill—because the one
thing we men do know is that marriage and family equals stress.
So we’re looking—looking to see if you can handle having to
make dinner for the kids, while helping one with the home-
work, tending to the other who’s had the flu for a week, helping
one get on the Internet, and kicking the other off the Internet’s
inappropriate sites, all at the same time, without strangling
More important, you should introduce the kids to the man
you’re dating so that you can see him in a fatherly capacity.
Walk him into your house, introduce him to little Taylor and
Brianna, and then sit back and observe; you will get the purest
and truest reaction from him when you do this. If he actually
knows something about kids and likes them, he’ll be able to