Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man

(singke) #1

My father-in-law sat there and stared at him for a minute,
satisfied, finally, that he’d gotten to the bottom of it. He tasted
blood. “Okay, then—cool,” my father-in-law said quietly.
“Let’s share that with her, that you’re just ‘kicking it.’ Let’s see
how she feels being the kicked one. Let’s take that back to
She looked so crazy when, a few minutes later, we let her
know about her man’s plans—that they’re just “kicking it.” Be-
cause she knows from our constant talks and updates and ses-
sions about men that when it comes to relationships, you’re
either being kicked or you’re potential long-term material. It
can’t be both. Clearly, he had a plan that was different from
what she wanted.
Luckily my daughter had her granddad and me to help her
decipher her man’s plan. But not every woman has a father
figure around to hip her to the game. Now, when that man
comes smiling all up in your face and talking like he’s really
into you, act like you know. Because now, you do: he wants to
sleep with you.
What’s your price?
If you let him know up front, he will let you know up front if
it’s too high a price for him to pay. And then you can move on.

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