2.6 Complex arguments 43
In the last chapter we saw how reasons –
independently or in combination – support a
conclusion. In every case there was just one
But in some arguments there may be more
than one conclusion. One or more of the
reasons may lead to an intermediate
conclusion, which then leads on to a main or
final conclusion. Intermediate conclusions
together with their supporting reasons form
sub-arguments. There may be two or more
sub-arguments within the larger argument.
2.6 Complex arguments
Here is an example:
[1] In some parts of the world, cars are still
driven on the left side of the road. This
can result in accidents involving drivers
from other countries who are used to
traffic being on the right. Pedestrians
are also at risk from looking the wrong
way before crossing the roads. Cities
would be safer, therefore, if in all
countries the rule were the same. Since
countries where the drivers keep to the
left are in a minority, those countries
should change over to the right.