2.7 Conclusions 57
Which of the following best expresses the
conclusion of the argument?
A It is nonsense to say that we must be
B Seeds, nuts, berries, leaves and roots
are our natural diet.
C We do not have the teeth or stomachs
of predatory animals.
D We are no more like wolves than we are
like horses.
E Eating meat is a disgusting habit.
Answers and comments are on pages 313–14.
3 Meat eaters, in defence of their eating
habits, often give the excuse that they
(and we) do not have the teeth or the
stomachs of natural herbivores, and
therefore we must be carnivores. This
is nonsense. We may not have the
digestive equipment to eat raw grasses,
but nor do we have the teeth and
digestion systems of predators: we are as
far removed from the wolf as we are from
the horse. Seeds, nuts, berries, leaves and
roots are the natural diet of our closest
relatives in the animal kingdom.