
(Nora) #1

The process of fermenting turns
shredded cabbage piquant, sour
and delicious and makes it a brilliant
condiment for use alongside rich
and fatty foods. It is wonderful with
sausages, or in a melted cheese
sandwich. Making your own is
straightforward, you just need a little
time, and a lot of cabbage.
1 white cabbage
2 tbsp fine sea salt
1 tsp caraway seeds
A large sterilised jar
A smaller jar containing a weight
(water, or pebbles) that fits inside
the bigger jar
A piece of muslin
Some string or an elastic band
1 Remove one large whole cabbage
leaf and set aside. Quarter the
remainder of the cabbage and
remove the core, then shred finely
in a food processor or with a
mandoline into a large bowl.
2 Sprinkle on the salt and start to
mix and ‘massage’ the cabbage
with your hands. This will start the
breakdown process, get the cabbage
juices flowing, and will help the
cabbage to start fermenting quicker.
3 Mix in the caraway seeds and then
pack it all fairly tightly into the base of
the jar and tip in any liquid, too. Place
your weight on top (we used a small
jar containing large pebbles) and then
cover with the muslin and secure.
4 The cabbage will slowly release
enough liquid so that it is completely
covered and then needs to be left to
ferment for a minimum of a week,
though it will get increasingly better
flavoured in time, being at its peak at
around 4 weeks. You can then decant
it into smaller jars or use it straight
from the big jar. Will store for several
months in the fridge if unopened.
A spoonful of
sauerkraut will
make any sarnie
a bit special

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