24 PCWorld FEBRUARY 2019
The specs and options for the Area-51m go
on and on and on. Here are the primary items:
CPU: Your choice of three desktop chips:
9th gen Intel Core i7-8700 or 8700K, or Core
RAM: DDR4-2400MHz, which
you can populate with 16GB to
64GB of RAM, using up to four
SODIMM slots.
Storage: Your choice of single-,
double-, and triple-drive
configurations. The drive choices
range from HDD/SSD hybrids to dual
drives running in RAID with a third
supplemental drive.
Graphics: Your choice of
desktop-class RTX 2060, 2070,
or 2080
Dell’s blown-out display of the Area-51m shows the two shell
colors, the motherboard, the heat pipes, and the drive bays,
among other goodies.
Display: Your
choice of four
17.3-inch FHD
(1920x1080) displays,
with or without touch,
with or without
gewgaws like Tobii
eye- tracking.
16.1 x 15.85 x 1.09-
1.7 inches
Weight: 8.54
pounds without AC
Area-51m leads a fresh charge of gaming
hardware from Dell’s premium gaming
division, offering desktop-grade parts in a
thoroughly thought-out and attractive design.
We hope to tell you even more about the
system if we get chance to review it.
The Alienware Area-51m features a backlit oval lighting feature surrounding
the rear exhaust ports, variously called a “stadium loop” or an “infinite loop.”