Revealing Technology Around Us

(Tejendra00) #1

and accurate. So if the hardware used by different companies are the same it must be the
software and algorithm used by them that actually differentiate scanners in various mobile

Typically this algorithm is used to detect lines andridges combinations also known as minutiae.
And these minutiae from different parts of the fingerare stored for detection rather than the
whole fingerprint. This makes the process faster.Different companies try to make this algorithm
work as fast as possible.

Alternative use of Biometric scanners.

Let’s take a scenario in which you added a passwordto your account. Now, what will you do, so
that you don’t forget it? Well, if this scenario occurred5 years ago you would most likely write it
down in notes or save it somewhere in contacts. Buttoday you just have to place the finger on
the button and the password automatically appearswithout even typing it. You don’t have to
remember the password anymore; it is saved on yourphone automatically. This is one other
common use of fingerprint scanners nowadays.

Now the important question is how can I
trust this technology with my important
personal information because where there
is software there is a risk of getting hacked.
Not to worry about that anymore, all these
data are stored on your device itself in a
physical chip. The transfer of data is done
directly from chip to the hardware of the
scanner in a TrustZone technology known
as Trusted Executive Environment(TEE).
During this whole process, there is no
involvement of software, so it is hack-proof.
So next time when you use netbanking or
log into a website using your fingerprint just
don’t worry, because your personal data
has not left your phone.

Fingerprint scanners have made our life easier andmore importantly secure than ever. We don’t
have to worry about losing important information whilegiving our phones to others. We can do
important things like money transfer from our phoneeasily in a secure way. Let’s see how much
this technology improves in future.

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