
(avery) #1
“Give me 6 Orthodox,
12 Conservative, and
32 Reform.”

My “Don’t make love
to Victoria’s Secret
models” resolution is
going great so far!
— @elibraden

A farmer was helping
one of his cows give
birth when he noticed
his four-year-old son
standing at the fence,
watching. Thinking
it might be the perfect
time to broach the
whole birds-and-the-
bees topic, he asked,
“Well, son, do you have
any questions?”
“Just one,” gasped
the wide-eyed boy.
“How fast was that calf
going when he hit the
cow?” —ranchers.net

Miriam goes to the post
office to buy stamps for
her Hanukkah cards
and says to the cashier,
“May I have 50 Hanuk-
kah stamps?”
“What denomina-
tion?” asks the cashier.
Miriam thinks for a
second, then says,

The best Medicine

Reader’s Digest

52 dec 2018 ✦ jan 2019 Cartoon by Harley Schwadron

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