
(avery) #1
“I suppose,” she re-
plied. “I’m still cook-
ing it.” —gcfl.net

Our home number is
very close to one at
Fort Leonard Wood in
Missouri, and we often
get calls meant for
them. Like this one ...
Caller: This is [mili-
tary rank and name].
I’m at the St. Louis air-
port. When is someone
going to pick me up?
Me: I’m sorry, you have
the wrong number.
Caller: Isn’t this

[phone number]?
Me: Close, but we’re
hundreds of miles
away from the airport.
Caller: (after a pause)
So you don’t know
who’s going to pick
me up?

At the outpatient sur-
gery center where I
work, the anesthesiolo-
gist chats with patients
before their operations
to help them relax.
One day, he thought
he recognized a
woman as a coworker
from the VA hospital
where he had trained.
When the patient
confirmed that his
hunch was correct, the
anesthesiologist said,
“So tell me, is the food
there still as bad as it
used to be?”

Got a funny story
about the military or
your military family?
It could be worth
$$$. For details, see
page 124 or go to

“Three wise men radioed in to say the enemy can now see us.”

Reader’s Digest

Cartoon by Bill Thomas rd.com 79

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