
(avery) #1
Delete These Texts
technology You know
you shouldn’t open
e-mails or answer phone
calls from people you
don’t know. This helps
you avoid phishing, a
scamming tactic used
to trick people into
revealing confidential
information about their
bank accounts, credit
cards, or other personal
accounts. Now you
also need to be wary of

Prevent Streaky
home Your mother might
have taught you that
cleaning windows with
newspapers would make
the glass shiny and streak-
free. While it’s true that
newsprint doesn’t leave
lint behind the way paper
towels do, it can tear eas-
ily if oversaturated and
doesn’t pick up dirt and
residue well. For a surefire
way to get spotless win-
dows, dilute rubbing alco-
hol or vinegar 50/50 with
water, dab the mixture
onto a microfiber cloth,
and wipe away grime.

Never Waste
Ketchup Again
food Instead of furiously
shaking the bottle only
to produce an enormous
ketchup blob, a Heinz
spokesperson told Today,
hit the bottle where the
neck starts to narrow.
The ketchup will come
out more quickly and

Avoid Overweight-Bag Fees
travel Many of the major U.S. airlines recently raised
their baggage fees, and an overweight bag can cost you
an extra $100. If you’re not sure whether yours will make
the cut, pack a few of your heavier items in a tote bag,
then pack the tote at the top of your suitcase. If your
luggage tips the scales, you can simply take the tote
bag out and carry it on as a personal item.

“smishing,” phishing
attempts conducted
over SMS (short message
service, better known
as texting). In particular,
if you get a text from an
“acquaintance” you’ve
never met, from your
bank asking you to
confirm your account, or
from a contest you didn’t
enter informing you that
you’ve won a prize,
delete it immediately.
And never click on links
sent by text from people
you don’t know. They
could infect your phone
with malware.

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