Lesson Four: The Triple Gem (Part I)

(bhcheah) #1

Copyright of BMSM

The Search for Enlightenment

He renounced the worldly life at the age
of 29. During the years that followed,
he studied the orthodox teachings· and
practiced many severe austerities. For six
years he meditated, practicing the
utmost physical austerities until he
wasted away.

He held his breath until pain pierced his
belly as if it had been ripped open with a
sharp butcher’s knife. He reduced his
intake of food until his hips stood out like
a camel's hoof, his backbone stood out like
a string- of beads and his eyes were sunk like
stars reflected in the water of a deep well -
so determined was he in his search.

He conquered fear; subdued all lust of the
flesh: developed and controlled his mind,
but still, he did not find
Enlightenment. In a state of utter
exhaustion, he found that not only was self -
indulgence useless in this spiritual quest,
but so was self-mortification. He became
aware that the answer lay between these
two extremes.

Abandoning his ascetic practices at age 35
years old, he accepted a bowl of milk rice
from a maid, Sujata. Having eaten and
bathed, he sat under the Bodhi tree at
Buddhagaya and resolved to remain there
until supreme Enlightenment had been

As the full moon of May rose above the
trees and lighted up the forest with its
silver beams the Blessed One subdued the
host of Mara the Evil One, and
passed into deep meditation. He
attained Full Enlightenment, unaided
and unguided by supernatural powers. With
his own effort and wisdom, he eradicated
all mental defilements and
comprehended the Truth.

Thereafter, he was known as the Buddha or
the Enlightened One.

His Ministry

The decision was made. The Buddha

wouldpreach the Dhamma to mankind. "I

will beat the drum of the Immortal in the

darkness of the world."

On the night of the full moon of July, he

preached to five ascetics his first sermon of

'Setting in Motion the Wheel of

Righteousness.' He spoke of the two

extremes of sensuality and mortification,

and of the Middle Way which lies between.

He taught the Four Noble Truths of

Suffering and its cause, the removal of the

cause, and of the Eightfold Path which

leads to the end of suffering. There in the

Deer Parkof Samath near Benares, the

Buddha proclaimed his Dhamma.

Kondanna, the leader of the ascetic, was

first to perceive and realize the Truth.

Soon, the other four ascetics perceived the

Truth of the Dhamma and they too (with

Kondanna) attained the state of Nibbana,

the final goal oflife.

The Buddha spent the remaining 45 years

of his80 years· as a wandering teacher,

transforming the lives of hundreds of


He taught that all of us have the same

potentiality as himself, and could realize

Enlightenment as he had done. His aim

was to rescue us from the chains of passion

and to convince usof an ideal higher than


Hewas the perfect embodiment of all the

virtueshe preached. Even those jealous

of him did notsay otherwise. Endowed

with deep wisdom and boundless

compassion, he worked untiringly for

the good and happiness of mankind.

Even at his final moments, the Blessed

One allowed Subhadda toquestion him

in order to clear all doubts, Subhadda

was converted and was the last person

to be ordained by the Buddha.

In his eightieth year, he passed away

between two sala trees at Kusinara after

having successfully completed his noble

mission. As a manhewas born, as an

extraordinary man he lived and as a

Buddha he passed away.

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