A diff erent approach to annuities
Talk with a Fidelity fi nancial professional at 866.460.
about how a tax-deferred variable annuity can fi t into your
overall retirement investment mix.
To learn more, visit:
Fidelity.com/taxeffi cient
- Low cost: 0.25% annual fee vs. industry average of 1.16%.* Keep in mind that this
annuity does not include a guaranteed minimum death benefi t. - Simple: no complicated riders or hidden fees
- Investment choices: a wide range of options that includes over 50 funds from
Fidelity and other reputable money management fi rms
Don’t let taxes or fees chip away at your retirement savings. Fidelity’s low-cost, tax-deferred
variable annuity could help you maximize savings and manage the impact of taxes.
Before investing, consider the investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses of the annuity and its
investment options. Contact Fidelity for a prospectus or, if available, a summary prospectus containing this
information. Read it carefully.
- According to 12/31/17 data on nongroup open variable annuities from Morningstar, Inc., at 0.25%, Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity’s
annual annuity charge is signifi cantly lower than the national industry average 1.16% annual annuity charge. Underlying fund fees also apply.
Fidelity Personal Retirement Annuity (Policy Form No. DVA-2005 et al.) is issued by Fidelity Investments Life
Insurance Company, 100 Salem Street, Smithfi eld, RI 02917, and, for New York residents, Personal Retirement
Annuity (Policy Form No. EDVA-2005 et al.) is issued by Empire Fidelity Investments Life Insurance Company®,
New York, N.Y. Fidelity Brokerage Services, Member NYSE, SIPC, 900 Salem Street, Smithfi eld, RI 02917, and
Fidelity Insurance Agency, Inc., are the distributors. A contract’s fi nancial guarantees are subject to the claims-
paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
The Fidelity Investments and pyramid design logo is a registered service mark of FMR LLC.
© 2018 FMR LLC. All rights reserved. 853706.2.
Keep in mind that investing involves risk. The value of your investment
will fl uctuate over time, and you may gain or lose money.