Generality_ _Yellow_. v2

(mchaos) #1

Generality:“Yellow”. 261
Panisara T. | 21 | she/her | nationality: Thai | ethnicity:Catholic Thai-Chinese
A color that giving a bright and vivid feeling butwas use to call on
some identity in the society, which can sometime beinterprete in the
bad way. As the word was only use to describe a colorthat has a bright
tone, but some people was using it in the bad way.I never had an
expercience on the use of this word toward me. I believedthat people
can be called as their own identity not by color oftheir skin. Because
there are also people that their skin color does notsimilar to other
people in the same nationality.
For me I think what defines being Asian is the cultureor tradition that
are done by the people from Asia area and simple definea person that
born in Asia area. I think apprearance and dress codedoes not make
someone Asian or to be called as Asian. I think itdepend on person
perception that are they needed to be called Asianor not. As I said
eariler it does not need to called someone by theirskin color the word
Asian might be only for a descriptive for people whowere born and rise
in Asia area. The similarity of culture and lifestyleare what bring
Asians together.
Thai Culture, Chinese tradition, Catholic religionare what describe my
ethnicity. As I grow with with all these it make mein between both
Thai-Chinese culture which is good in the way thatmost of Thais are
act according to these culture. However, sometimeis just too much of
activity and so on. But as far as I grow up I’m quitehappy with it, just
only some part of Thai and Chinese tradition thatI does not like about
it. The way people thought according to these traditionsometime make
be curious who on earth introduce those kind of thought.
In my opinion, I believed that my surrounding is whatmake me who I
am today. The reason was simply because people whoborn in one
society tend to act according to that society no matterwhat nationality
there—this is what I believed.
Differ from Asian stereotype(s).
In my opinion, I am more like an active girl who wantsto be free from
some rules that are strictly active within the familysince in an Asian
society females need to act according to society norm.Who I am today
is from what I have experienced in the past by myself,set aside the
things that my family have given to me that is whatI believed. My
thoughts toward Asian stereotypes is the culture andwhat called
manners. Asian do have some unique manner that circulatedaround
the society different from the European or Americanmanner. Those

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