1 If the pain is intense, stop doing whatever you are doing. Find a comfortable position or lie down. to sit
Severe back pain warrants a visit to your doctor or an orthopod. If you can’t go to the clinic
arrange for the doctor to come and see you. Look for any of the red flags that we discussed
earlier. Obviously if any red flags are present, your doctor will advise accordingly. This may
mean surgery.
If there are no bladder or bowel problems; numbness and tingling in the toes; inability to
move your toes; changes in gait or slowing down or absent leg reflexes, you do not have
any red flags. Obtain a prescription for anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen
and/ or a muscle relaxant.
You may need to reduce your activity for a SHORT while. Bed rest for more than a day or
two usually does more harm than good. Stay active and continue with your normal routines
as far as possible.
5 Use ice packs for a couple of days followed by heat treatment.exercises. Set into practice all the preventive measures discussed.^ Start^ simple stretching
6 If the pain is still not gone, recheck for any red flagschanging the medication. ,^ go back to your doctor^ and then try
Before going for any alternative treatment (spinal manipulation, acupuncture, lumbar
traction, etc.), make sure that it is OK to do so. If in doubt check with your doctor. Some
therapies, especially spinal manipulation may be dangerous in certain spinal disorders.
Others may simply be a waste of time and money.
Invasive treatments (facet joint and epidural injections) should be resorted to after all of the
above have been tried. It should be done by an orthopod or pain specialist and should
provide temporary relief for a few months.
Irrespective of the method used for relief of pain, start doing the exercises listed in this
book. At the same time set into practice all the preventive measures that we have
In longstanding or chronic back pain of more than 3 months, active rehabilitation is highly
recommended to improve lost function and relieve the pain. This may be done at home or
in a specialized orthopedic rehabilitation unit.