SGBP Final 4

(mdmrcog) #1

Tumors of the spine

Multiple Myeloma

This is a fatal tumor of the bone marrow occurring in the elderly. The tumor arises in
certain types of cell in the bone marrow called plasma cells. The spine is one of the most
commonly affected sites. Fractures are common, especially in the spine. A history of
unexpected weight loss, fatigue, insomnia may lead the physician to suspect spreading
cancer. There is general ill health with local pain at one or more of the tumor sites. Bone
destruction can cause vertebral collapse leading to spinal cord compression.

Secondary cancer of spine from other sites

Secondary malignant tumors in bone are much more common than primary tumors.
The tumors that spread most readily to bone are cancers of the lung, breast, prostate,
thyroid and kidney. The bone structure is simply destroyed and replaced by tumor
tissue. Vertebral fractures are common.

Ankylosing Spondylitis

It is a type of arthritis causing inflammation of the spine and is most common in teens
and young adults although it can also affect children and older people. Ankylosis means
“fusion”. Spondylitis means inflammation of the spine. The inflammation mainly affects
the joints of the spine and the joints between the spine and pelvis (sacroiliac joints). As
the name suggests, the spine becomes rigid and inflexible.

The exact cause of ankylosing spondylitis remains unknown. However, genes that
increase the chances of a person developing the disease have been identified. The
frequency of the disease in different populations is roughly paralleled by the incidence of
the gene HLA-B27. Africans and Japanese have a low incidence of both HLA-B27 and
ankylosing spondylitis. The disease is more common in men than women (2.5: 1).

In the early stages, inflammation of the sacroiliac joints causes hip pain (deep within the
buttocks) and lower back and stiffness, especially at night, in the morning, and after
periods of inactivity. The spine remains stiff even when bending. This is an early sign.

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