Biceps tendon
Radial artery
Radial nerve
Deep branch
Radial artery
Superficial branch
Pronator quadratus
Fig. 9.9: Muscles lying deep to the radial aftery
Bronches in the Foreorm
1 The radial recurrent artery arises just below the elbow,
runs upwards deep to the brachioradialis, and ends
by anastomosing with the radial collateral artery
(anterior branch of profunda brachii artery) in front
of the lateral epicondyle of the humerus (see Fig. 8.10).
(^2) Muscular branches are given to the lateral muscles of
the forearm.
3 The palmar carpalbranch arises near the lower border
of the pronator quadratus, runs medially deep to the
flexor tendons, and ends by anastomosing with the
palmar carpal branch of the ulnar artery, in front of
the middle of the recurrent branch of the deep palmar
arch, to form a cruciform anastomosis. The palmar
carpal arch supplies bones and joints at the wrist.
4 Dorsal carpalbranch. It forms dorsal carpal arch with
branch of ulnar artery.
5 The superficial palmar branch arises just before the
radial artery leaves the forearm by winding
backwards. The branch passes through the thenar
muscles, and ends by joining the terminal part of the
uhrar artery to complete the superficial palmar arch.
Beginning, Course ond Telminotion
Uh:rar artery is the larger terminal branch of the brachial
artery, and begins in the cubital fossa (Fig.9.10). The
artery runs obliquely downwards and medially in the
upper one-third of the forearm; but in the lower two-
thirds of the forearm its course is vertical (Fig. 9.a). It
enters the palm by passing superficial to the flexor
retinaculum. Its distribution in the hand is described
't Anteriorly; In its upper half, the artery is deep and is
covered by muscles arising from common flexor
origin and median nerve. The lower half of the artery
is superficial and is covered only by skin and fascia
2 Posteriorly; It lies on brachialis and on the flexor
digitorum profundus.
3 Medially: It is related to the ulnar nerve, and to the
flexor carpi ulnaris (Fig. 9.11)
4 Laterally: It is related to the flexor digitorum
superficialis (Fig. 9.4).
5 The artery is accompanied by venae comitantes.
1 The anterior and posterior ulnar recurrent arteries
anastomose around the elbow. The smaller
anterior ulnar recurrent artery runs uP and ends
by anastomosing with the inJerior ulnar collateral
artery in front of the medial epicondyle. The larger
Brachial artery
Ulnar artery
Pronator teres
Flexor digitorum
Flexor pollicis
Brachial artery
Ulnar artery
Ulnar nerve
Median nerve
Flexor retinaculum
Fig. 9,10: The radial, median and ulnar nerves and vessels