Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

A. Palmar spaces

  1. Pulp space of the fingers

  2. Midpalmar space

  3. Thenar space
    B. Dorsal spaces

  4. Dorsal subcutaneous space

  5. Dorsal subaponeurotic space
    C. The foredrm space of Parona.

Pulp Spoce of lhe Fingers
The tips of the fingers and thumb contain subcutaneous
fat arranged in tight compartments formed by fibrous
septa which pass from the skin to the periosteum of
the terminal phalanx. Infection of this space is known
as whitlow. The rising tension in the space gives rise to
severe throbbing pain.
Infections in the pulp space (whitlow) can be drained
by a lateral incision which opens all compartments and
avoids damage to the tactile tissue in front of the finger.
If neglected, a whitlow may lead to necrosis of the
distal four-fifths of the terminal phalanx due to
occlusion of the vessels by the tension. The proximal
one-fifth (epiphysis) escapes because its artery does not
traverse the fibrous septa (Fig.9.51).

Midpolmor Spoce ond Thenor Spoce

Midpalmar and thenar spaces are shown tnTable 9.7
and Figs 9.52 and9.53.

Dorsol Spoces

The dorsal subcutaneous space lies immediately deep to
the loose skin of the dorsum of the hand. The dorsal


subtendinous space lies between the metacarpal bones
and the extensor tendons which are united to one
another by a thin aponeurosis.

Foreorm Spoce of Porono
Forearm space of Parona is a rectangular space situated
deep in the lower part of the forearm just above the
wrist. It lies in front of the pronator quadratus, and deep
to the long flexor tendons. Superiorly, the space extends
up to the oblique origin of the flexor digitorum
superficialis. Inferiorly, it extends up to the flexor
retinaculum, and communicates with the midpalmar
space. The proximal part of the flexor synovial sheaths
protrudes into the forearm space.


  1. Shape

  2. Situation

  3. Extent:

  4. Communications:

  5. Boundaries:

Midpalmar space
Under the inner half of the hollow of the palm

Distal margin of the flexor retinaculum
Distal palmar crease

Forearm space of parona
Fascial sheaths of the 3rd and 4th lumbricals

. Flexor tendons of 3rd, 4th and 5th fingers
. 2nd, 3rd and 4th lumbricals
. Palmar aponeurosis

Fascia covering interossei and metacarpals
lntermediate palmar septum

Medial palmar septum
Incision in either the 3rd or 4th web space

Thenar space
Under the outer half of the hollow of the palm

Distal margin of the flexor retinaculum
Proximal transverse palmar crease

Forearm space
Fascial sheath of the first lumbrical

. Short muscles of thumb
. Flexor tendons of the index finger
. First lumbrical
. Palmar aponeurosis
Transverse head of adductor pollicis
. Tendon of flexor pollicis longus with radial bursa
. Lateral palmar septum
lntermediate palmar septum
lncision in the first web, posteriorly



  1. Drainage



Branch to shaft
of distal phalanx

Digital artery

Branch to base
of distal phalanx
Fig. 9.51: The digital pulp space
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