- Radial nerve
- Posteriorcutaneous nerve of arm
- Long headoftricepsbrachii
- Medial head of hiceps brachii
Radialsulcus - Lateral head of triceps brachii
- Lowerlateral cutaneous nerve of arm
- Posterior cutaneous nerye of forearm
- Medial head of triceps brachii
- Anconeus
Lower lateral side ofarm - Proprioceptive flbres to brachialis
- Brachioradialis
(^12) Extensorcarpi radialis longus
Deep branch
1 3. Deep branch ofradial nerve
- Extensorcarpi radialis brevis
- Supinator
I 6. Deep branch for supply of muscles of back of forearm
Superficial branch - Superficial branch of radial nerve
- Cutaneous branches in anatomical snuff box, to lateral half of dorsum of
hand and digital branches to lateral two and half digits except the terminal
Fig. A1.3: Distribution of right radial nerue
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I
bital Fo
The nerve enters the lateral side of cubital fossa. There
the radial nerve terminates by dividing into superficial
and deep branches.
The deep branch supplies extensor carpi radialis
brevis and supinator. Then it courses between two heads
of supinator to reach back of forearm (seeFig.8.17).
nt of Forearm
The superficial branch leaves the cubital fossa to enter
lateral side of front of forearm, accompanied by the
radial vessels in its upper two thirds (seeFig.9.10). At
the junction of upper two thirds and lower one third,
the superficial branch turns laterally to reach the
posterolateral aspect of forearm.
The superficial branch descends till the anatomical
snuff box to reach dorsum of hand, where it supplies
skin of lateral half of dorsum of hand and lateral
two and a half digits till distal interphalangeal joints
(see Figs 7 .1 and 9 .33).
Eock of Forearm and t
The deep branch of radial nerve enters the back of
forearm, where it supplies the muscles mentioned in
Table A1,.2b. Lower down it passes through the 4th
compartment under the extensor retinaculum to reach
the back of wrist where it ends in a pseudoganglion,
branches of which supply the neighbouring joint
(see Figs 9.56 and9.61).
Rodiol Nerve 127 Dissection
The branches of radial nerve are presented in
Table ,A'1.2a.
Branches of deep division of radial nerve are shown
in Table AL.zb.
Branches of superficial division of radial nerve are
shown in Table AL.2c.
Median nerve is called median as it runs in the median
plane of the forearm.