Human Anatomy Vol 1

(mdmrcog) #1

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A cftrmeelfs
1 The anterior surface gives origin on either side to
the pectoralis major muscle (Fig. 13.9).
2 The lower part of the posterior surface gives origin
on either side to the sternocostalis muscle.
3 On the right side of the median plane, the posterior
surface is related to the anterior border of the right
lung and pleura. On the left side, the upper two
pieces of the body are related to the left lung and
pleura, and the lower two pieces to the pericardium
(Fig. 13.12).
4 Between the facets for articulation with the costal
cartilages, the lateral borders provide attachment to
the external intercostal membranes and to the
internal intercostal muscles (see Fig. 74.L).

Xiphoid Plocess
The xiphoid process is the smallest part of the sternum.
It is at first cartilaginous, but in the adult it becomes
ossified near its upper end. It varies greatly in shape
and may be bifid or perforated. It lies in the floor of the
epigastric fossa (Fig. 13.10).

1 The anterior surface provides insertion to the medial
fibres of the rectus abdominis, and to the
aponeuroses of the external and internal oblique
muscles of the abdomen.
2 Tlte posterior surface gives origin to the diaphragm.
It is related to the anterior surface of the liver.
3 The lateral borders of the xiphoid process give
attachment to the aponeuroses of the internal oblique
and transversus abdominis muscles.
4 The upper end forms a primary cartilaginous joint
with the body of the stemum.
5 The lower end affords attachment to the linea alba.

The sternum develops by fusion of two sternal plates
formed on either side of the midline. The fusion of
the two plates takes place in a craniocaudal direction.
Manubrium is ossified from 2 centers appearing
in 5th foetal month. First and second sternebrae
ossify from one center appearing in 5th foetal month.
Third and fourth sternebrae ossify from paired
centers which appear in 5th and 6th months. These
fuse with each other from below upwards during
puberty. Fusion is complete by 25 years of age. The
manubriosternal joint which is a secondary
cartilaginous joint usually persists throughout life.
The centre for the xiphoid process appears during
the third year or later. It fuses with the body at about
40 years (Figs 13.13a and b).

5th to 6th
fetal month

3rd year

(a) (b)
Figs 13.13a and b: Ossification of sternum

Trme of


Between 17th
to 25th years

Soon after

Fusion at
about 40th

Bone marrow for examination is usually obtained
by manubriostemal puncture (Fig. 13. 14). It is done
in its upper half to prevent injury to arch of aorta
which lies behind its lower half.
The slight movements that take place at the
manubriosternal joint are essential for movements
of the ribs.
Lr the anomaly called'funnel chest', the sternum
is depressed (Fig. 13.15a).
In another anomaly called'pigeon chest', there is
forward projection of the sternum like the keel of
aboat, and flattening of the chest wall on either
side (Fig. 13.15b).
For cardiac slrrgery the manubrium and/or body
of sternum need to be splitted in midline and the
incision is closed with stainless steel wires.
Sternum is protected from injury by attachment
of elastic costal cartilages. Indirect violence may
Iead to fracture of sternum.
Non-fusion of the sternal plates causes ectopia
cordis, where the heart lies uncovered on the
surface. Partial fusion of the plates may lead to
the formation of sternal foramina, bifid xiphoid
process/ etc. (Fig. 13.9).

Veilebrol Column os o Whole
The vertebral column is also called the spine, the spinal
column, or back bone. It is the central axis of the body.
It supports the body weight and transmits it to the
ground through the lower limbs.
The vertebral column is made up of 33 vertebrae;
seven cervical, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral
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