costotransverse joint
Head of rib
Neck of rib (cut part)
Concave facet for
articular tubercle
of rib
Flattened facets for
articular tubercles
of 7-9 ribs
costotransverse joint
Fig. 13.24: A section through the costotransverse joints from the
third to the ninth inclusive. See the convex facets on tubercles of
3rd-6th ribs and flattened facets on tubercles of 7th-9th ribs
F19.13.25: The axes of movement (AB and CD) of a
vertebrosternal rib. The interrupted lines indicate the position of
the rib in inspiration
The articular surfaces of the seventh to tenth ribs
are flat, permitting up and dovrn gliding movements
or bucket-handle movements of the lower ribs. When
the neck of seventh to tenth ribs moves upwards,
backwards and medially, the result is increase in
infrasternal ang1e. This causes increase in transverse
diameter of thorax (Fig. 13.26).
FIg" 13.26: The axes of movement (AB) of a vertebrochondral
rib. The interrupted lines indicate the position of the rib in
For explanation of the terms 'pump-handle' and
'bucket-handle' movemettts, see'Respiratory Move-
Costochondlol Joints
Each rib is continuous anteriorly with its cartilage, to
form a primary cartilaginous joint. No movements are
permitted at these joints.
Chondlosternol Joints
The first chondrosternal joint is a primary cartilaginous
joint, it does not permit any movement. This helps in
the stability of the shoulder girdle and of the upper
The second to seventh costal cartilages articulate with
the sternum by synovial joints. Each joint has a single
cavity except in the second joint where the cavity is
divided in two parts. The joints are held together by
the capsular and radiate ligaments.
lnlelchondtol Joints
The fifth to ninth costal cartilages articulate with one
another by symovial joints. The tenth cartilage is united
to the ninth by fibrous tissue.
The movements taking place at the various joints
described above are considered under 'Respiratory
!nterverlebrol Joints
Adjoining vertebrae are connected to each other at three
joints. There is a median joint between the vertebral