During 'pranayama', deep regulated and smooth
breathing occurs.
. \Alhich diameters increase during deep breathing?
Ans: The anteroposterior diameter increases by
The t sverse diameter increases by the "bucket
handie movement" of the 7-10 ribs
The vertical diameter increases by "piston
mov ent" of the thoracoabdominal diaphragm.
During inspiratiory the vertical diameter is increases
by 3-5 cm and during expiration, the vertical
dia ter decreases.
Principles of mooements
of ich lies just lateral to the tubercle. Because
of the disproportion in the length of the tw'o arms
of the l,ever, the slight movements at the vertebral
end of the rib are greatly magnified at the anterior
end (Fig. 13.28).
2 The anterior end of the rib is lower than the
posterior end. erefore, during elerration of the
occurs mostly in the vertebrosternal ribs.
In this way, the anteroposterior diameter
thorax is increased. Along with the up and
movements of the second to sixth ribs,
of the sternum also moves up and down
'pump-handle mov ents' (Fig. 1,3.29),
The middtre of the shaft of the rib lies at a lower
level tharr the plane passing through the twri e s.
Therefore, during elevation of the rib, shaft
also moves outr,vards. This causes increase in the
transverse diameter of the thorax.
Such movements occur in the vertebrochondral
ribs, and are called'bucket-handle movements'.
As a result each rib is longer than the next higher
rib. On elevation the larger lower rib c es to
occupy the position of the smaller upper rib. s
(Fig. 13.30).
Contraction of diaphragm with relaxation of
anterior abdominal wall muscles inereases the
vertical diameter. Up and down move nts as a
result of contraction and relaxation of thoraco-
abdominal diaphragm can alter the vertical
diameter of the thoracic cavity. is movement is
called "piston movement".
Transverse diameter of thoracic cage increases by:
a. Pump handle movements of ribs
b. Bucket handle movement of ribs
c. Caliper movement of ribs
d. Contraction of diaphragm
Anteroposterior diameter of thorax increases by:
a. Pump handle movement of ribs
b. Bucket handle movement of ribs
c. Contraction of diaphragm
d. Relaxation of diaphragm
Which one out of the following is a primary
cartilaginous joint?
a. Costovertebral b. Costotransverse 8.
c. First costochondral d. Manubriosternal
- Which of the following ribs articulates with one
vertebra only?
a. First
c. Third - The tubercle of a typical rib articulates with the facet
on the transverse process of:
a. Vertebra above b. Vertebra below
c. Its own vertebra d. All of the above
- Which of the following ribs articulates with
transverse process of a thoracic vertebra?
a. Eleventh
c. First
b. Twelfth
d. None of the above
b. Second
d. Fourth
- The most characteristic feature of the thoracic
vertebrae is:
a. The body is heart shaped
b. The spine is oblique
c. The body has costal facets
d. Vertebral foramen is small and circular
The lower larger facet on the head of a typical rib
articulates with the demifacet on:
a. Inferior part of corresponding vertebrae
b. Superior part of corresponding vertebrae
c. Inferior part of vertebra above the corresponding
d. Superior part of vertebra below the corres-
ponding vertebrae
1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a 5.c 6. c 7.c 8.b