Digitations of serratus
Fig. 3.26: The serratus anterior
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The nerve to the serratus anterior is a branch of the
brachial plexus. It arises from roots C5, C6 and C7 and
is also called long thoracic nerve.
1- Along with the pectoralis minor, the muscle pulls
the scapula forwards around the chest wall to
protract the upper limb (in pushing and punching
movements) (Fig. 3.27).
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Coracobrach ia lis
Medial wall of axilla formed
by serratus anterior
Scapulla pulled
foruvards around
the chest
of axilla
Subscapularis Scapula
I nfraspinatus
Fig. 3.27: Horizontal section through the axilla showing the
position of the serratus anterio.
2 The fibres inserted into the inferior angle of the
scapula pull it forwards and rotate the scapula so
that the glenoid cavity is turned upwards. In this
actiory the serratus anterior is helped by the trapezius
which pulls the acromion upwards and backwards
(see Frg. 70.6).
3 The muscle steadies the scapula during weight
4 It helps in forced inspiration.
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1 Paralysis of the serratus anterior produces 'winging
of scapula' in which the in{erior angle and the medial
border of the scapula are unduly prominent. The
patient is unable to do any pushing action, nor can
he raise his arm above the head. Any attempt to do
these movements makes the inferior angle of the
scapula still more prominent.
2 Clinicnl testing: Forward pressure with the hands
against a wall, or against resistance offered by the
examiner, makes the medial border and the inferior
angle of the scapula prominent (winging of scapula)
if the serratus anterior is paralysed (see Fig.2.12).
Branches af any artery/nerve M-CAT
Pectoralis major forms part of the bed for the
mammary gland 75% of lymph from mammary
gland drains into axillary, 25"h into parasternal and
5% into intercostal lymph nodes.
The sternocostal head of pectoralis major causes
extension of the flexed arm against resistance.
Pectoralis minor divides the axillary artery into
three parts.
A 45-year-old women complained of a firm painless
mass in the upper lateral quadrant of her left breast.
The nipple was also raised. Axillary lymph nodes
were palpable and firm. It was diagnosed as cancer
o Where does the lymph from upper lateral
quadrant drain?
r What causes the retraction of the nippie?
drains arainly into the pectorai group of axillary