Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Skeletal System

Fill in the Blank
Fill in the blank with the most appropriate term.

  1. The two common types of bone tissue are


Place the most appropriate number in the blank

  1. Bone develops from spindle-shaped cells called
    ,^ found beneath the^

  2. are large cells, present in the (^)
    (^) cavities of bone, which function in the reabsorption (^)
    (^) of bone. (^)

  3. ossification is a process in (^)
    (^) which dense connective tissue or membranes are (^)
    (^) replaced by deposits of inorganic calcium. (^)

  4. The “replacement” of cartilaginous structures with (^)

  5. bone is called ossification. (^)
    A disease of bone in children caused by a deficiency (^)
    (^) of vitamin D and sunlight is ; (^)
    (^) in adults, it is called. (^)

  6. Haversian canals are surrounded by
    concen-tric rings of bone, each layer of which is
    a ; between these are
    tiny cavities- called , each
    containing-^ an osteocyte.^

  7. bone marrow’s function is (^)
    hematopoiesis. (^)

  8. bone marrow consists chiefly^

of fat cells (^)
Condyle Fossa
Tooth socket

  1. Rounded or knuckle-like
    2.^ Depression in or on a bone^
    3.^ Canal, tube-like passage^

  2. Orifice through which
    vessels and nerves pass^

  3. Fibrovascular membrane
    covering bone^
    6.^ Zygomatic bone^

  4. Any marked, bony
    8.^ Frontal bone^
    9.^ Cavity within a bone^

  5. Two extremities of a long

  6. Furrow or groove

  7. Alveolus

  8. Narrow ridge of bone

  9. Narrow slit between two

  10. Rickets in adults

  11. Temporal bone

  12. Parietal bone

  13. The bridge of the nose is made up of the paired (^)

  14. (^) bones. (^)
    The hard palate of the roof of the mouth is made up (^)

  15. of the two bones. (^)
    The bone, found in the axial (^)
    skeleton, has no articulations with other bones and (^)
    functions as a support for the tongue. (^)

  16. The first cervical vertebra is called the^

(^) and supports the head;
the second cervical vertebra is called the (^)
The sternum or breastbone develops in three (^)
parts: the , the body (^)
or , and the (^)

  1. There are 12 pairs of ribs. The upper seven pairs
    articulate directly with the sternum and are called^
    ribs; the lower five pairs
    do not directly join the sternum and are called^

True or False
T F 1. Cartilage actually turns into bone during
T F^ 2. The protein matrix of bone is responsible for^
its elasticity and the salts deposited in the
matrix prevent crushing.
T F 3. The more strain on a bone, the less the bone
will develop.
T F 4. It is possible for crooked bones in children
to become straight due to the continued
process of reabsorption.
T F^ 5. The proper calcium ion concentration of^
the blood is controlled and maintained by
the thyroid and parathyroid glands of the
endocrine system.
T F 6. The foramen magnum is the largest orifice in
the skeleton and is found at the base of the
parietal bone.
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