Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Muscular System

Muscles Moving the Hand

Supination of the hand so that the palm is facing upward is
caused by the supinator (soo-pin-NAY-tohr) muscle. The
two muscles that pronate the hand so that the palm faces
downward are the pronator teres (pro-NAY-tohr TAYR-
eez) and the pronator quadratus (pro-NAY-tohr kwod-
RAH-tus). These muscles are found beneath the superficial
muscles deep in the arm. Table 9-6 lists


the muscles that move the hand, thumb, and fingers and the
functions they perform.

Muscles Moving the Thumb
The thumb is capable of movement in many directions,
giving the hand a unique capability that separates hu-mans
from all other animals. We can grasp and use tools because
of our thumb. The two flexor pollicis (FLEKS-ohr

Table 9- 6 Muscles Moving the Hand, Thumb, and Fingers

Muscles Moving the Hand
Muscle Function

Supinator^ Supinates forearm^
Pronator teres^ Pronates forearm^
Pronator quadratus Pronates forearm

Muscles Moving the Thumb
Muscle Function

Flexor pollicis longus^ Flexes 2nd phalanx of thumb^
Flexor pollicis brevis^ Flexes thumb^
Extensor pollicis longus^ Extends terminal phalanx^
Extensor pollicis brevis^ Extends thumb^
Adductor pollicis^ Adducts thumb^
Abductor^ pollicis longus^ Abducts, extends thumb^
Abductor pollicis brevis^ Abducts thumb^
Opponens pollicis Flexes and opposes thumb

Muscles Moving the Fingers
Muscle Function

Flexor digitorum profundus^ Flexes terminal phalanx^
Flexor digiti minimi brevis^ Flexes little finger^
Interossei dorsalis^ Abduct, flex proximal phalanges^
Flexor digitorum superficialis^ Flexes middle phalanges^
Extensor indicis^ Extends index finger^
Interossei palmaris^ Adduct, flex proximal phalanges^
Abductor digiti minimi^ Abducts little finger^
Opponens digiti minimi^ Rotates, abducts 5th metacarpal^
Extensor digitorum communis Extends the fingers
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