Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Muscular System 227

  1. A layer of areolar tissue called the fascia is on top of

the epimysium.^

  1. Under a microscope, skeletal muscle cells have
    cross-striations due to the overlap of the dark bands
    of the thick protein myosin (called A bands) and the
    light bands of the thin protein actin (called I bands).
    8.^ In the middle of an I band is a Z line.^
    9.^ In the middle of an A band is an H line or zone.^

  2. The area between two adjacent Z lines is called a


  1. Electron microscopy reveals that the muscle fibrils of
    actin and myosin that make up a muscle cell are
    surrounded by a sarcotubular system composed of T
    tubules and an irregular curtain called the sarco-

plasmic reticulum.^

  1. The function of the T tubules is the rapid transmis-
    sion of a nerve impulse to all the fibrils in a cell
    while the sarcoplasmic reticulum stores calcium ions.

The Physiology of Muscle

  1. All of the muscle cells or fibers innervated by the

same motor neuron are called a motor unit.^

  1. Muscle cells have four properties: excitability by a
    stimulus; conductivity of that stimulus through their
    cytoplasm; contractility, which is the reaction to the
    stimulus; and elasticity, which allows the cell to re-

turn to its original shape after contraction.^

  1. Muscle contraction is caused by the interaction of
    three factors: neuroelectrical, chemical, and energy

Neuroelectrical Factors

1.^ Muscle cells have positively charged sodium ions^
(Na^1 ) in greater concentration outside the cell than


2.^ Muscle cells have positively charged potassium ions^
(K^1 ) in greater concentration inside the cell than


  1. The outside of a muscle cell is positively charged
    electrically and the inside is negatively charged.
    This electrical distribution is known as the resting
    potential of the cell membrane.
    4. When a motor neuron innervates the muscle cell,
    acetylcholine is secreted from the axon terminals into
    the neuromuscular junction. This causes so-dium ions
    to rush inside the cell membrane, creat-ing an
    electrical potential (changing the inside from negative
    to positive).^

  2. Potassium ions move outside the cell membrane to try
    to restore the resting potential but cannot do so
    because so many sodium ions are rushing in.^

  3. The influx of positive sodium ions causes the T tu-
    bules to transmit the stimulus deep into the muscle
    cell, creating an action potential.^

  4. The action potential causes the sarcoplasmic
    reticulum- to release calcium ions into the fluids
    surrounding- the myofibrils of actin and myosin.^

  5. Troponin and tropomyosin (inhibitor substance)
    have kept the actin and myosin filaments separate-^
    but the calcium ions inhibit the action of the
    troponin- and tropomyosin.^

  6. The calcium causes the myosin to become activated
    myosin. The activated myosin now links up with the
    actin filaments.

Chemical Factors

  1. The cross-bridges or heads of myosin filaments have
    ATP. When the cross-bridges link with the actin, the
    breakdown of the ATP releases energy that is used to
    pull the actin filaments in among the myosin
    filaments. The area between two Z lines gets smaller,
    whereas the A band remains the same. This is
    contraction at the molecular level.^

  2. Meanwhile, the sodium-potassium pump has op-
    erated. It has pumped out the sodium ions that
    initially rushed in and pulled back in the potassium
    ions that had rushed out, restoring the muscle cell’s
    resting potential. The calcium ions get reabsorbed by
    the sarcoplasmic reticulum, causing the action
    potential to cease and restoring the resting poten-tial.
    The muscle cell now relaxes as contraction ceases.

  3. The whole process of contraction occurs in 1/40 of a

Energy Sources

  1. ATP is the energy source for muscle contraction: actin
    1 myosin 1 ATP → actomyosin 1 ADP 1 PO 4 1 the
    energy of contraction.

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