Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

318 Chapter 13


These are careers that are available to individuals interested in the blood.
● Blood bank technologists are allied health professionals who are responsible for the blood
typing of blood donors, newborns, and expectant mothers to detect the presence of ABO
antigens and the Rh factors. These individuals can also draw blood, support nurses and
physicians in blood transfusions, and investigate blood abnormalities such as hemolytic
●● Hematologists are medical specialists whose training is in the field of blood and the
blood-forming tissues. Such individuals usually work in a laboratory, which is part of
a medical center.^
●● Infectious disease specialists are physicians with advanced training in communi-
cable infectious diseases, some of which are transmitted by the blood-sucking bite of
an arthropod like a mosquito. Mosquitoes transmit pathogens that cause malaria and
yellow fever into the bloodstream of the insect’s victim. Many other infectious­
diseases such as AIDS and certain sexually transmitted diseases are transmitted by
blood and bodily fluid contact.

Summary Outline


  1. Blood is specialized connective tissue consisting of a

fluid part, called plasma, and the formed blood cells.^

  1. The formed cells of blood include the red blood
    cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes, the white blood
    cells (WBCs) or leukocytes, and the platelets or

The Functions of Blood

  1. Transports oxygen from the lungs to the cells of

the body.^

  1. Transports carbon dioxide from the cells to

the lungs for excretion.^

  1. Transports nutrients, ions, and water from the

digestive- tract to cells.^

  1. Transports waste products from cells to kidneys and

sweat glands.^

  1. Transports hormones to target organs and enzymes to

body cells.^

  1. Regulates body pH through its buffers and amino
    acids in its plasma.
    7. Helps regulate normal body temperature and
    the water content of cells.^

  2. Helps prevent fluid loss through the clotting

  3. Protects against foreign microbes and toxins
    through its combat cells or leukocytes.

The Classification of Blood
Cells and The Composition
of Plasma

1.^ Blood is composed of the following elements:^
A.^ Erythrocytes or red blood cells^
B. Leukocytes or white blood cells, which are
subdivided into^
1.^ Granular leukocytes (three types)^
a.^ Neutrophils^
b.^ Eosinophils^
c.^ Basophils^
2. Agranular or nongranular leukocytes
(two types)^
a.^ Monocytes^
b.^ Lymphocytes^
C. Thrombocytes or platelets

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