Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Cardiovascular Circulatory System

Review Questions

  1. Explain blood flow through the heart, naming the
    major blood vessels entering and exiting the heart, the

chambers, and valves.^
*2. Compare the anatomy of the walls of arteries and

veins and relate this to function.^

  1. Describe the systemic and pulmonary blood circu-
    lation routes.^
    *4. Explain how the conduction system of the heart

functions and what factors may affect its rate.^

  1. Describe what occurs in the 0.8 second of a
    cardiac cycle.

*Critical Thinking Questions

Place the most appropriate number in the blank

Parietal pericardium 1. Mitral valve (^)
Auricle 2. Pacemaker (^)
Trabeculae carneae 3. Visceral pericardium (^)
Bicuspid valve 4. Right atrioventricular (^)
Epicardium (^) valve
Sinoatrial node

  1. Pericardial sac

Tricuspid (^) 6. Irregular folds of
Chordae tendineae (^) myocardium
Purkinje’s fibers (^) 7. Appendage of atrium
Systole (^) 8. Ventricular
contraction (^)
9. Bundle of His (^)
10. Relaxation phase (^)
fibers (^)
11. Project cusps into (^)
ventricle (^)
12. Contraction phase (^)


Search and Explore

● Search the newspaper, a scientific
magazine, or online for an article related to
the anatomy of the heart. Bring to class to
● Visit the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention website at http://www.cdc
.gov/HeartDisease to learn more about
heart disease, including the signs and
symptoms of a heart attack. Write a two-to
three-paragraph entry in your note-book
summarizing what you learned.^
● Create a list of things you can do to
maintain a healthy heart. Pick one item
from the list and write an action plan
including what steps you will take to
achieve this goal.^
● Visit the American Heart Association
website to learn how to recognize the
warning signs of a heart attack and

Study Tools

Study Guide activities for Chapter 14
Online Resources PowerPoint presentations
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