Body Systems
Working Together To
Maintain Homeostasis:^
The Lymphatic System
Integumentary System
●● The skin’s epidermis is a mechanical barrier to
●● The acid pH mantle of the skin inhibits the growth of
most bacteria.^
●● Sebum, produced by the sebaceous glands of the
skin, has antifungal properties.^
●● Lymphatic vessels drain interstitial fluid from the
dermis- of the skin preventing edema.
Skeletal System
●● Lymphocytes are produced in red bone marrow.
Muscular System
●● Contraction of muscles compresses lymphatics and
helps push the flow of lymph toward the right and left
lymphatic ducts.
Nervous System
●● Undue stress may suppress the immune
●● The nervous system innervates large lymphatic
vessels and helps regulate the immune response.
Endocrine System
●● The thymus gland confers immunologic competence on
the T lymphocytes.^
●● Hormones stimulate the production of
Chapter 15
Cardiovascular System
●● Blood plasma is the source of interstitial fluid, which
becomes lymph when drained by lymphatic capillaries.^
●● The lymphatic system returns this fluid to the blood-
stream via the right and left subclavian veins, con-
necting with the right and left lymphatic ducts.
Digestive System
●● Lacteals in the villi of the small intestine absorb fats.
●● The hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice destroys
most pathogens.^
●● The digestive system digests and absorbs nutrients
for lymphatic tissues.^
●● Peyer’s patches in the wall of the small intestine
destroy bacteria.
Respiratory System
●● The tonsils are located in the pharynx.
●● Breathing and contraction of the respiratory muscles
maintain lymph flow through lymphatics.^
●● Immune system cells receive their oxygen and get rid of
carbon dioxide waste via the respiratory system.
Urinary System
●● The kidneys maintain homeostasis by regulating the
amounts of extracellular fluid.^
●● Electrolyte and acid-base levels of the blood are
maintained by the urinary system for lymphoid tissue
●● Urine can flush out certain microorganisms from
the body.
Reproductive System
●● The acid environment of the female vagina and male
urethra prevent bacterial growth.^
●● In the female reproductive tract, the immune system
does not attack the male sperm as a foreign antigen,
ensuring the possibility of fertilization.
health Alert
Splenomegaly (^)
Splenomegaly is an abnormal enlargement of can also cause splenomegaly. Eggs of the (^)
the spleen that can develop from infections parasite get carried by the bloodstream and (^)
with diseases such as scarlet fever, syphilis, lodge in the spleen, causing irritation. This (^)
typhoid fever, and typhus fever. Infections results in a swollen abdomen caused by the (^)
with a microscopic blood fluke worm of the enlarged spleen. (^)
genus Schistosoma in Japan and in Africa (^)