Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

The Lymphatic Circulatory System 371

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The Lymphatic System

Materials needed: A microscope slide of a lymph
node, an anatomic model of the head or throat
showing the location of the tonsils, a fetal pig for
dissection, a dissecting pan, and a dis-section kit

  1. Examine a microscope slide of a lymph node.
    Notice that the lymph node is en-closed by a
    sheath of tissue called the cap-sule. The outer
    part of the node is called the cortex and the
    inner part is called the me-dulla. Within the
    medulla, note the darker nodules where the
    germinal centers that produce the
    lymphocytes are found. Re-member that
    afferent vessels bring lymph into the node,
    and efferent lymphatic vessels take lymph out
    of the node. Compare your slide to Figure 15-
    5 in your text.
    2. Your instructor will supply you with an ana-
    tomic model. Locate the three tonsils. The
    palatine tonsils are on the sides of the oral
    cavity. The lingual tonsils are at the back of
    the tongue, and the pharyngeal tonsils or
    adenoids are in the nasopharynx.^
    3. You will dissect a fetal pig in Chapter 16.
    You will then find and identify the spleen
    located near the stomach in the abdominal
    cavity. Remember, we located the thymus
    gland when we dissected the throat region in
    the lab on the endocrine system. Review this
    also when you perform your dissection on the
    digestive system.

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