394 Chapter 16
Common Disease, Disorder, or Condition
Disorders of The Digestive System continued
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Figure 16- 15 Radiograph showing gallstones in the bile duct.
Symptoms include frequent bouts of diarrhea, severe abdominal pain, fever, chills,
nausea, weakness, anorexia, and weight loss. Treatment is aimed at the symptoms.
Surgical removal of a diseased bowel segment provides temporary relief. However,
recurrence after surgery usually occurs.
Diverticulosis is the presence of pouchlike herniations through the muscular layer of
the colon, particularly the sigmoid colon. It occurs most frequently in people over 50
years of age and may result from low-fiber diets. The major symptom is bleeding from
the rectum. An increase in fiber in the diet will aid in propelling the fecal ma-terial
through the colon. Avoiding nuts and foods with seeds will decrease the risk of fecal
material becoming lodged in the diverticula. Hemorrhage from bleeding diverticulae can
be severe and may require surgery. This condition can develop into diverticulitis, an
inflammation of one or more of the diverticulae.
Colorectal Cancer^
Colorectal cancer is cancer of the large intestine and rectum. It is the second most
prevalent cancer in the United States with 60,000 deaths annually. A variety of