Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

480 Chapter 19


There are many careers available to individuals who are interested in the reproduc-tive
●● Gynecologists are physicians who specialize in caring for women by diagnosing and
treating disorders of the reproductive organs and breasts. This specialty re-quires
surgical and nonsurgical expertise.^
●● Obstetricians are physicians who specialize in obstetrics, the branch of medicine
concerned with caring for women during pregnancy, childbirth, and puerperium (the
time after childbirth, about 6 weeks).^
●● Pediatricians are physicians who specialize in pediatrics, the branch of medicine that
treats and diagnoses disease and prevents disorders of infants and children.^
●● Pediatric nurse practitioners are nurse practitioners who specialize in the nurs-ing
care of infants and children.^
●● Neonatalists are physicians who specialize in the care of the neonate and are trained
to diagnose and treat disorders of the newborn.^
●● Genetic counselors are professionals who have special training in counseling and
genetics, the branch of biology that deals with the principles and mechanics of he-
redity, in particular the process by which genes, which control traits, are passed from
parents to offspring. These individuals can determine the occurrence of a ge-netic
disorder within a family and provide information and advice about possible courses of
action to potential parents.

Digestive System

●● Proper nutrients are made available to the developing
fetus through the mother’s digestive system via the
placenta and umbilical cord.

Respiratory System

●● The interaction between the respiratory system and
the placenta provides the fetus with oxygen and
removes carbon dioxide.

Urinary System

●● The male urethra functions in both the urinary
system to transport urine and the reproductive
system to transport sperm.^
●● The kidneys compensate for fluid loss in the
reproductive system.^
●● Pregnancy can result in fluid retention, so the kidneys
compensate by working harder to eliminate the excess
●● The developing fetus causes compression of the
bladder, resulting in messages to the brain initiating
frequent and urgent urination.

Summary Outline

The Male Reproductive System

  1. The primary sex organs of the male reproductive
    system are the testes or male gonads, which pro-
    duce sperm and the male sex hormones.^

  2. Accessory glands produce secretions that make up
    the semen.^

  3. Accessory organs, like the scrotum, support the tes-
    tes and ducts transport the sperm.^

  4. The penis is a transporting and supporting

The Scrotum

  1. The scrotum is an outpouching of the abdominal
    wall that supports the testes.^

  2. Internally, it is divided by a septum into two lateral
    pouches, each containing a single testis.

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