Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1


The following is a list of companies that can supply materials needed for the laboratory
exercises covered in the text and for audiovisual materials to supplement lectures.

  1. An excellent, inexpensive color chart for student use during the fetal pig and the

brain/heart dissections can be purchased from:^
BIOCAM Communications Inc.

PMB 12, 250 H St.^
Blain, WA 98230 1- 800 - 667 - 3316^
#CC 122 The Concise Fetal Pig #CC

129 The Concise Brain/Heart^

  1. Chemical models illustrating bonding, and pH meters can be purchased from a

chemical supply house such as:^
Fisher Scientific Company

2000 Park Lane Dr.^
Pittsburgh, PA 15275- 9952 1 - 800 - 766 - 7000 Fax: 1- 800 - 926 - 1166^

  1. Microscope slides of tissues and cells; osmosis kits; fetal pigs; sheep eyes, hearts, and
    brains; dissecting kits; and latex gloves can be purchased from a biological supply

company such as:^
Carolina Biological Supply Company

2700 York Road^
Burlington, NC 27215 1 - 800 - 334 - 5551 Fax: 1- 800 - 222 - 7112^

  1. Anatomical charts, bones, skeletons, or anatomical models can be ordered from

anatomical- suppliers such as:^
Anatomy Warehouse
8111 St. Louis Ave
Unit 1-D^
Skokie, IL 60076^
Phone/Fax: 1-^800 -^422 - 1134^

5.^ Videos and CD-ROMs can be purchased from video suppliers such as:^
HRM Video^
41 Kensico Drive^
Mt. Kisco, NY 10549 1 - 800 - 431 - 2050 Fax: 914- 244 -
0485 and^
Films Media Group
132 West 31st Street, 17th Floor
New York, NY 10001 1 - 800 - 322 - 8755

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