Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Proton part of the central nucleus that makes up an atom; has
a positive charge^
Protoplasm the liquid part of a cell
Protraction moving a part of the body forward on a plane par-
allel to the ground^
Proximal nearest the point of attachment or origin
Proximal convoluted tubule first part of the renal tubule
Pseudostratified epithelium cells that have a layered
appear-ance but actually extend from the basement membrane
to the outer free surface^
Psoas muscle involved in flexing the thigh
Psoriasis common chronic skin disorder characterized by red
patches covered with thick, dry, silvery scales^
Pterygoid muscles involved in raising the mandible
Pubis a part of the hipbone found superior and slightly ante-
rior to the ischium^
Pulmonary circulation circulatory route that goes from the
heart to the lungs and back to the heart^
Pulmonary fibrosis black lung disease; caused by excessive
exposure to asbestos, silica, or coal dust^
Pulmonary semilunar valve found in the opening where
the^ pulmonary trunk exits the right ventricle^
Pulmonary trunk the artery that leaves the right
ventricle Pulmonary veins enter the left atrium of the
Pulp cavity a cavity in the crown of a tooth
Pupil a circular opening in the iris of the eye
Purine a nitrogen base consisting of a fused double ring of
nine atoms of carbon and nitrogen^
Purkinje’s fibers/conduction myofibers cause actual con-
tractions of the ventricles; they emerge from the bundle
Pustule a pus-filled elevation of the skin
Pyloric sphincter the connection between the stomach and
the beginning of the duodenum^
Pylorus narrow inferior region of the stomach; also called the
Pyrimidine a nitrogen base consisting of a single ring of six
at-oms of carbon and nitrogen^
Pyruvic acid the final product of
glycolysis Pyuria pus in the urine

Quadriceps femoris muscle that extends the knee
Quaternary structure protein structure determined by spatial
relationships between amino acids^
Quinone an electron carrier

Rabies fatal viral disease transmitted by the bite of a rabid
Radial arteries supply blood to the forearm


Radial veins drain blood from the forearm
Radius shorter, lateral bone of the forearm
Raphe external median ridge of the scrotum
Rectum the last 7 to 8 inches of the gastrointestinal tract
Rectus abdominis muscle that flexes the vertebral column
and assists in compressing abdominal wall^
Rectus femoris muscle that extends the leg and flexes the

Red bone marrow found within cancellous bone; makes
blood cells^
Reflex an involuntary reaction to an external stimulus
Reflex arc the pathway that results in a reflex
Releasing hormones produced by the hypothalamus, they
stimulate the release of hormones from the pituitary gland^
Releasing inhibitory hormones produced by the
hypothala-mus, they inhibit the release of hormones from the
pituitary gland^
Renal capsule innermost layer of tissue that surrounds the

Renal columns cortical substance between the renal
Renal corpuscle made up of Bowman’s glomerular capsule
and the enclosed glomerulus^
Renal failure results from any condition that interferes with
kidney function^
Renal fascia outermost layer of tissue that surrounds the

Renal papillae the tips of the renal pyramids
Renal pelvis a large collecting funnel formed where the
major^ calyces join^
Renal plexus the nerve supply to the kidneys
Renal pyramids triangular structures within the
medulla Renal sinus cavity in the kidney
Renal t ubule the general name of the tubule of a nephron
Renin enzyme produced by the kidneys that helps regulate
blood pressure^
Repolarization restoration of electrical charge
Reposition occurs when the digits return to their normal

Reproductive system consists of the ovaries, uterine tubes,
uterus, and vagina in the female; the testes, vas deferens,
seminal vesicles, prostate gland, penis, and urethra in the male

Respiration the overall exchange of gases between the atmo-
sphere, blood, and cells^
Respiratory bronchioles microscopic divisions of terminal
Respiratory distress syndrome condition in infants in
which too little surfactant is produced, causing the lungs to
col-lapse; also known as hyaline membrane disease^
Respiratory system consists of nasal cavities, pharynx,
larynx,^ trachea, bronchi, and lungs^
Resting potential normal electrical distribution around a
muscle cell when it is not contracting
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