Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

Temporalis muscle that raises the mandible and closes the

Tendinitis inflammation of a tendon
Tendon dense connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone
Tensor fascia lata muscle that tenses fascia lata
Teres minor muscle that adducts and rotates the arm
Terminal bronchioles divisions or branches of
Tertiary (segmental) bronchi divisions of secondary
Tertiary structure protein structure with a secondary folding
Testes primary sex organs of the male reproductive system

that produce sperm and male sex hormones^
Testis singular form of testes
Testosterone the principal male sex hormone
Tetanus infection caused by a bacterium that produces a neu-
rotoxin affecting motor neurons^
Tetrad the figure formed by the lining up of homologous
chromosomes consisting of four chromatids in meiosis^
Thalamus the second part of the diencephalon
Thalassemia hereditary disease found in African, Mediter-
ranean, and Asian individuals that suppresses hemoglobin

Third-degree burn a burn in which the epidermis and dermis

are completely destroyed; also called full-thickness burns^
Thoracic aorta the name given to the aorta in the thorax
Thoracic cavity first subdivision of the ventral cavity that is
surrounded by the rib cage and contains the heart and lungs

Thoracic duct main collecting duct of the lymphatic
system Thoracic vertebrae 12 vertebrae that connect with
the ribs
Thrombin an enzyme formed from prothrombin that is neces-
sary for the clotting mechanism^
Thrombocytes platelets; blood cells involved in blood
Thrombocytopenia decrease in platelets producing chronic
Thromboplastin a substance released from blood platelets
that is involved in the clotting reaction^
Thrombosis clotting in an unbroken blood
vessel Thrombus a blood clot
Thrush a fungal infection of the mouth caused by a yeast
Thylakoid individual double membranes that make up a gra-
num in a chloroplast^
Thymine a pyrimidine nitrogen base
Thymosin hormone secreted by the thymus gland that causes
the production of T lymphocytes^
Thymus gland an endocrine gland located beneath the ster-
num that is also involved in immunity as a site for lympho-
cyte production and maturation^
Thyroid cartilage Adam’s apple
Thyroid gland an endocrine gland located along the trachea

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the thyroid
gland to produce its hormone
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