Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology

(mdmrcog) #1

516 Index (^)
anterior tibial artery, 334f, 336 arytenoid cartilage, 413f, 413, 414f auricle, 265, 266f, 327, 328f (^)
anterior tibial vein, 336f, 340 ascending aorta, 328f, 329, 334, 334f autolysis, 47 (^)
anterior vena cava, 328f, 329 ascending colon, 390f, autonomic nervous system, 208, (^)
antibodies, 307, 358–359, 359f 391 – 392, 392f 234, 235f, 258, 259f, 440 (^)
anticodon, 49f, 50 ascending limb of Henle, 438 axillary artery, 334f, 335 (^)
antidiuretic hormone (ADH), asparagine, 24f axillary vein, 336f, 340 (^)
284f, 285 aspartic acid, 24f, 67–68, 68f–70f axis vertebra, 156f (^)
antigens, 314, 358–359, 359f association neurons, 239 axons, 106, 106f, 236 (^)
antihistamine, 310 aster, 75 axon terminals, 236 (^)
antrum, 146, 386f, 385, 387f As the Body Ages azotemia, 445 (^)
anus, 11, 456f, 463f apoptosis, 51 azygos vein, 340 (^)
anvil, 150, 266, 266f blood, 317 (^)
aorta, 334, 436f cardiovascular system, 341
aortic arch, 334f, 334– 335 digestive system, 398 (^)
aortic semilunar valve, 343 endocrine system, 295 ball and socket joints, 187 (^)
apical foramen, teeth, 82 integumentary system, 124 Bartholin’s glands, 462f, 470 (^)
apocrine sweat glands, 123 joints, 194 basal cell carcinoma, 125 (^)
aponeuroses, 98, 98f, 209 lymphatic system, 362 base, pH, 30–32, 32f (^)
apoptosis, 51 metabolism, 86 basement membrane, 94 (^)
appendicitis, 393 muscles, 225 basilic vein, 340 (^)
appendix, 377f, 390f nervous system, 267 basophilic myelocytes, 310 (^)
aqueduct of Sylvius, 253, reproductive system, 478– 479 basophils, 306, 308f, 310, 312f (^)
252f, 255f respiratory system, 425 Bell’s palsy, 271 (^)
aqueous humor, 263, 265f skeletal system, 169 benign prostatic hyperplasia, 478 (^)
arachnoid mater, 242 tissues, 107 beta cells, pancreas, 290 (^)
arches, foot, 168f–169f, 169 urinary system, 446 bicarbonate, 440 (^)
arch of the aorta, 328f, 329 asthma, 423 biceps brachii, 210f, 215, 216f (^)
arcuate artery, 439 astrocytes, 235, 236f biceps femoris, 211f, 220, 220f, 221f (^)
arcuate vein, 439 atelectasis, 422 bicuspids, teeth, 382, 383f (^)
areola, 470, 470f atherosclerosis, 337 bicuspid valve, 329 (^)
areolar tissue, 97, 99f athletic trainers, 170 bile duct, 389f (^)
arginine, 24f atlas vertebra, 156f bile salts, 389 (^)
arrector pili muscle, 119, 121f atom, 8f, 9f, 18 biochemists, 33 (^)
arrhythmia, 338 atomic number, 19 bipolar neurons, 238 (^)
arteries, 10, 332–336, 333f, atomic theory, 18 black eye, 172 (^)
334f, 336f, 340. See also ATP (adenosine triphosphate) bladder (urinary), 12, 446 (^)
cardiovascular system active transport, 30 blastocyst, 471 (^)
arterioles, 332–336, 333f, 334f, 336f, ammonia and, 22 blastula, 471 (^)
340. See also cardiovascular cellular respiration, 70f blood. See also cardiovascular (^)
system chemical energy, 21– 22 system (^)
arthritis, 192 electron transport system, aging, 317 (^)
articular cartilage, 183– 184 64 – 66, 66f blood cell types, 306–307, 308f (^)
articular system. See also specific fermentation, 67 blood groups, 314, 317 (^)
joint name from food compounds, 67–68, blood tissue, 102, 103f (^)
aging and, 194 68f–70f cell anatomy and function, (^)
amphiarthroses, 182 glycolysis, 62–64, 63f 310 – (^311)
bursae, 190–191, 191f muscle contraction, 204f, 205, clotting, 311–314, 313f, 389 (^)
diarthroses, 182–184, 182f, 185f 206f disorders of, 315– (^316)
disorders of, 192– 193 overview, 17, 26–27, 28f flow through heart, 329, 330f (^)
health alert, 187 atria, 327, 328f, 329, 417, 418f functions of, 305– (^306)
joint types, 187–190, 188f, 189f atrioventricular (AV) node, 330 hematopoiesis, 308–310, 309f (^)
laboratory exercise, 197 atrioventricular bundle, 330 laboratory exercise, 321 (^)
synarthroses, 181– 182 atrophy, 223 osmosis in, 28–30, 31f (^)
synovial joints, movement, auditory ossicles, 150, 265–266, 266f overview, 305, 306f, 307f (^)
184 – 187, 185f, 186f auditory tubes, 266f, 266, 412f, 412 pH, 32 (^)

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