Women are more likely than men to reduce their activity due to back pain.
The introduction of modern diagnostic tools such as computerized tomography
(CT) scan and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has added to the confusion.
These investigative procedures have not only increased the possibility of obtaining a
specific diagnosis but have also led to an increase in the number of tests showing a false
positive diagnosis i.e. there is evidence of an abnormality in the spine but the person
undergoing the test does not necessarily have symptoms nor does he or she require any
radical treatment.
It has been estimated that if you pick ten adults at random from the street and do an
MRI scan on them, three out of the ten would have some abnormal
finding in the spine even though none of them may have ever
complained of low back pain. Even if they did have back pain
in the past, the abnormal finding may not be responsible for
the pain. These three therefore do not require medical
Research papers have shown even greater false positive
rates. Yet quite a few doctors would err on the side of caution
and prescribe medical or alternative treatments or worse still,
operate on such individuals and make them invalids for life. Undoubtedly, CT and MRI
scans have led to an increase in back surgery and other invasive procedures. Any
surgical procedure, if done without proper reason, apart from being unnecessary, is a
total waste of time and money and may actually increase back pain. Furthermore, you
must remember that no surgery, however minor or minimal, is without risk of serious
complications and/ or death. I know of many people who have died from the simplest of
procedures at the hands of very eminent and skilled surgeons. In each case the surgeon
had assured the patient that he/ she would be home and dry in a few hours.
If you pick ten adults at
random and do an MRI
scan on them, three out
of the ten would have
some abnormal finding
in the spine