Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1


Lie in prone position on the floor. Keep your hands by your side. Keep your hips
and legs on the floor and raise your head and body as high as possible. Hold for a
count of three. Return to original position. Repeat 5 times. Strengthens the
paraspinal muscles.

Modified cobra pose


Lie in prone position on the floor. Fold your arms under your head. Commence
raising and stretching your legs upwards, alternating legs, without bending your
knees. Do this 5 times with each leg.
Stretch both arms out in front of you and rest them on the floor. Raise and stretch
your legs upwards, alternating legs, without bending your knees. Do this 5 times
with each leg. Keep your head down initially and as your pain decreases and back

muscle strength increases, raise your head and neck each time you raise one leg.^
Strengthens and stretches the gluteal and paraspinal muscles.

Leg lifts
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