Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

 Limiting alcohol and caffeine 

 No smoking. Smokers are at higher risk for back problems, perhaps because
smoking decreases blood circulation. The link may also be due to an unhealthy
lifestyle in general. A British study found that young adults who were long-term
smokers were nearly twice as likely to develop low back pain as nonsmokers
were. 

 Managing stress 

It is advisable to consult a doctor about lifestyle habits and recommendations and about
programs designed to develop and reinforce these good habits.

Lift heavy items properly

Use good body mechanics for everyday activities (such as carrying a backpack instead of
a purse or briefcase and lifting with the legs instead of the back). Backpacks should not
be more than 20% of a person’s body weight. They should weigh even less for very young
children. A common cause of temporary back pain in children is carrying backpacks that
are too heavy.

If you engage in heavy lifting, you should take precautions when lifting and bending. Try
to follow some of these recommendations:

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