Say Goodbye to Back Pain

(mdmrcog) #1

There are two groups of paraspinal muscles that act as extensors of the spine (bend it
backwards) and are most often injured due to one of the above causes. These are the
Erector spinae and Multifidus muscles.

Erector spinae

The Erector spinæ is not a single muscle but a bundle of muscles and tendons. There are
two of them that run more or less vertically from the neck down to the bottom of the
spine and lie in a groove on either side of the vertebral column.

Erector spinae muscles

The erector spinae is the most important extensor muscle group of the back and is
responsible for returning the vertebral column to its "erect" position following flexion.
Maintaining a good posture is the chief function of this group of muscles. The different
muscle groups that make up the erector spinae blend in the lower back, and in so doing,

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