Risk Factors for Osteoporosis
1.^ Increases with age^
2. Most common in women over the age of 50. Bone loss is much more rapid in
the 5-7 years after menopause. Men can also develop osteoporosis but
generally when they are over 65.^
3.^ Small-framed people are at an increased risk^
4.^ Caucasians and Asians are at a higher risk than Africans^
5.^ A family history of osteoporosis is a major risk factor^
6.^ Sedentary lifestyle or occupations^
7. Long-term steroid or immunosuppressive treatment
8. Excessive alcohol consumption (over 2 drinks per day) and smoking interfere
with the body’s absorption of calcium and increase the risk of osteoporosis.
Carbonated beverages (fizzy drinks) and large amounts of caffeine also
interfere with calcium absorption.
The spine is the area of the body most severely affected by osteoporosis, followed by the
hips and wrists. Severe osteoporosis can cause compression fractures in the spine. In
advanced osteoporosis, weakened vertebrae may actually collapse under the weight of
the body alone or from simply coughing. Persons suffering from osteoporosis adopt a
stooped posture which puts more stress on the back muscles. The back pain from
osteoporosis may thus actually be the result of back muscle strain. If the stooped