Peter Singer-Animal Liberation

(BlackTrush) #1

Bookof AnimalRights. NewYork, Paragon House,1988;
London, Penguin, 1989. Hundreds of short extracts from
humane thinkers down the ages.

Animals in Research

Nuffield Council on Bioethics. The Ethics of Research
Involving Animals. London,NuffieldCouncil onBioethics,
contains a wealth of useful information.

Orlans, F. Barbara. In the Name of Science: Issues in
Responsible Animal Experimentation. New York, Oxford
University Press, 1993. An account of the ethical and
scientific issues.

Rowan, Andrew. Of Mice, Models, and Men: A Critical
New York Press, 1984.

Press/State MutualBook, 1983. Still a valuablecritque of
animal experimentation.

Sharpe, Robert. The Cruel Deception. Wellingborough,
experimentation, arguing that it is generally irrelevant to
advances in health, and sometimes positively misleading.

Farm Animals and the Meat Industry

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