Peter Singer-Animal Liberation

(BlackTrush) #1

Could Be Ended by the Twenty-First Century.
Wellingborough, Northants, Thorsons, rev. ed., 1988. An
argument for vegetarianism on humane and ecological


Amory, Cleveland. Man Kind? New York, Dell, 1980. A
scathing critique of the war on wildlife.

Bostock, Stephen. Zoos and Animal Rights. London,
Routledge, 1993. On the ethics of keeping animals in zoos.

McKenna, Virginia,WillTravers,and JonathanWray,eds.
Beyond the Bars. Wellingborough, Northants, Thorsons,

  1. A collection of essays on zoos and related issues,
    focusing especially on wildlife conservation.

with moving photographs by Karl Ammann.

Regenstein, Lewis. The Politics of Extinction. New York,
Macmillan,1975.Anaccount ofhowwehavedriven,and
continue to drive, species to extinction.

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