Peter Singer-Animal Liberation

(BlackTrush) #1

  1. F.D. Thornberry,W. O. Crawley,and W. F.Krueger,
    Digest, May 1975, p. 205.

1987, p. 18.

  1. Reportof theTechnical Committeeto Enquireinto the
    Welfare of Animals Kept Under intensive Livestock
    Husbandry Systems, Command Paper 2836 (London: Her
    Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1965), paragraph 97.

  2. A. Andrade and J. Carson, “The Effect of Age and
    Methods of Debeaking on Future Performance of White
    LeghornPullets,” PoultryScience 54:666–674 (1975); M.
    Gentle, B. Huges, and R. Hubrecht, “The Effect of Beak
    Trimming on Food Intake, Feeding Behavior and Body
    (1982); M. Gentle, “Beak Trimming in Poultry,” World’s
    Poultry Science Journal42: 268–275 (1986).

  3. J. Breward and M. Gentle, “Neuroma Formation and
    Abnormal Afferent Nerve Discharges After Partial Beak
    Amputation (Beak Trimming) in Poultry,” Experienta 41:
    1132–1134 (1985).

  4. Gentle, “Beak Trimming in Poultry,” World’s Poultry
    Science Journal42: 268–275 (1986).

12.U.S. Departmentof Agriculture Yearbook for1970, p.

13.Poultry World, December 5, 1985.

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