mental suffering,15–16
mice: in experiments,36–38, 42 , 43 , 57 , 67 , 79 , 80
as pests, 214 , 233 , 234
Michelet, 209
Midgley, Mary,Animals and Why They Matter, 252
Milgram, Stanley, 69
milk: nutrition, 166 , 167 , 181
substitutes, 177
and vegetarianism, 166 , 175 , 177
MinistryofAgriculture,CodesofPractice(British), 104 , 112 ,
minks, 22 , 141
mollusks, 174
Monitor, The, 70
monkeys:experimentson,25–28,30–36, 50 , 55 , 57 , 66 , 67 ,
69–71, 75 , 80
transplants, 75 , 91