Frame 05-06

(Joyce) #1
for the staggering pace of the daily grind
in the burgeoning metropolis of Bangkok.
Even though reappropriating unused space
in train stations is nothing new – Seats-
2Meet in Utrecht (2007) is but one example

  • architect Didier Faustino commended
    co-working environment Werk for present-
    ing ‘residual space as an opportunity for
    people to recapture their time’. In other
    words, it allows workers to spend time at
    home rather than commuting. Noting that
    the structures developed by Hypothesis

BANGKOK – Frederik Pohl’s famous quote
opened the jury’s discussion on innovation-
category nominees: ‘A good science fiction
story should be able to predict not the
automobile but the traffic jam.’ Designer
and curator Matylda Krzykowski expanded
on his statement: ‘When I see designers
fiddling around with our futures, they don’t
yet see the consequences – that’s a lack of
It makes sense, then, that the jury
selected a project that proposes a solution

are underwhelming and can be improved,
Krzykowski argued that the project’s
strength comes to light ‘when you think
about its societal consequences’. – AM

Future X for SK-II by Huge

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