McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1

Text Completion

Study this chapter to learn about:

■ Single-blank Text Completion questions
■ Double- and triple-blank Text Completion questions


ext Completion questions consist of a one-to-five-sentence passage with
one to three blanks. You are asked to use logic and the context of the
sentence to identify the best word for each blank. There is no partial
credit for Text Completion questions. For Text Completion questions
with one blank, there will be five choices. For Text Completion questions with two
to three blanks, there will be three choices for each blank

Single-Blank Text Completion Questions

Single-blank Text Completion questions will always have five choices. Your task
is to use the context of the sentence to select the choice that best fits in the blank.
When most people do Text Completion questions, they take the word in each
choice and insert it back into the sentence. Though this approach will sometimes
lead to the right answer, the better method is to predict the answer and then see
which choice matches your prediction.
How will you predict the answer? By identifying the contextual clues.
Contextual clues are words or phrases that link elements of a sentence. These clues
help provide a logical structure for understanding the relationship between the
sentence’s different components. Though the terminology might seem foreign, you



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