McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1


Verbal Reasoning

25 questions — 35 minutes

This section includes three types of questions: Reading Comprehension, Text Completion,
and Sentence Equivalence. Read the following directions before you begin the section.


Reading Comprehension Questions
■ Multiple-Choice Questions—Select One Answer Choice: Select one answer choice
from a list of five choices.
■ Multiple-Choice Questions—Select One or More Answer Choices: From a list of three
answer choices, select all that are correct.
■ Select-in-Passage. Select the sentence in the passage that meets a certain

Text Completion Questions
■ For each blank, select one choice from the corresponding list of choices. Fill all
blanks in the way that best completes the text.

Sentence Equivalence Questions
■ Select the two answer choices that (1) complete the sentence in a way that makes
sense and (2) produce sentences that are similar in meaning.

In Questions 1 to 6, for each blank, select the choice that best completes the text.

1. By taking the mental lives of animals as his subject matter, the author
presents himself with the task of explicating something
that is, in many ways, inaccessible.

A impossible

B meandering

C feckless

D pugnacious

E felicitous


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