McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1
In Questions 1 to 5, for each blank, select the choice that best completes the text.

  1. Attempts at rigorous literary analysis must accommodate the inherent
    of interpretation. Unlike the sciences, where truth is
    arrived at by the accumulation of evidence, the arts have no external
    standard against which claims can be evaluated.

A controversy

B implausibility

C ambiguity

D debatability

E discernibility

  1. Novice readers often (i) the point of satire. Believing that
    the purpose of exaggeration is purely comical, they often overlook the
    darker social commentary (ii) in such stories.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A misunderstand D forgotten

B enhance E implicit

C undermine F denied

  1. His writing is at once illuminating and (i) : He uses his
    talents to take the adventurous reader onto (ii) detours,
    but these same detours will frustrate the reader accustomed to direct and
    (iii) argumentation.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)
A exasperating D irrelevant G circumstantial

B ambiguous E ill-construed H duplicitous

C bellicose F edifying I unequivocal


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