McGraw-Hill Education GRE 2019

(singke) #1
The goal of your concluding paragraph is to summarize the points you made in
your essay and to discuss the implications of your main point. When discussing the
implications, you should focus on addressing the relevance of your thesis to issues
outside the scope of the essay. Let’s look at an example of a concluding paragraph:

The examples illustrate the beneficial effects that our attention to
celebrities can provide society. Because news and media coverage are so
pervasive in our lives, and because these outlets so often cover celebrity
life, celebrities can often use these outlets to advance social and cultural
causes that the general population might otherwise neglect. Though
many worry that the development of social media and the proliferation
of celebrity websites have made celebrities into only a spectacle, the
point still stands that celebrities can leverage their popularity to achieve
goals that supersede their immediate self-interest and benefit society as
a whole.

Step 5: Proofread (3 Minutes)
You should make sure to always leave yourself time at the end to proofread your
essay. When proofreading, you should reread the essay carefully, focusing on any
grammatical mistakes or typos you may have made. At this point, it’s often too late
to dramatically alter the substance of the essay (hopefully, you would have done
so during one of the earlier steps). So worry less about the content and more about
the technical aspects of your writing—the grammar, spelling, and fluidity of the

How to Approach the “Analyze an Argument” Task

The Analyze an Argument task addresses your ability to understand and
deconstruct an argument. The prompt for this essay will provide evidence and
a claim drawn from that evidence. Your task is to critique the argument by
identifying the major assumptions that the author makes. In writing the essay, you
will be tested on your:

■ Logical reasoning skills
■ Ability to analyze the components of an argument
■ Mastery of technical English
■ Ability to articulate your thoughts


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